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Wednesday, January 23, 2013


     Between the folds is a film in unexpected places in which very intelligent and talented people create pieces in the form of paper art known as origami. I was amazed by the quality and dimensional artwork created by such people. This emphasizes the idea that beauty arises in art throughout the world. Not only does it help that idea but allows to show that our entire world is made out of folds and bending through our universe. This idea is just amazing to think of and just imagining how our world looks like in a different perspective. I was astonished of the time and effort put into these artworks and the outcome of such pieces.
     Though the creation of origami not only comes through born talent, because these three dimensional designs are created through mathematics. Many origami physicist, scientists, architects, and engineers work to create the sufisticated and complex designs for an origami. There are many professionals around the world that have learned origami through mathematics though some last up to thirty years of there lives creating this form of art. They all fold to create something amazing that becomes incredibly complex to the human eye. This paper folding art existed for over many years and will continue for many years to come in an even more complex creations.

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